PsychEdge - One step ahead
Professional Development Sessions
The PsychEdge sessions have been specifically designed for people who own or work in small or medium sized businesses. Shot sized sessions, crafted using state of the art psychology and neuroscience, combined with practical hands on experience. Each one provides the opportunity to develop new skills, gain essential knowledge as well as personal insight:enabling you to see things in a new light. Keeping you one step ahead.
Highly interactive, very informative, and fun. Because why shouldn't your development be fun?
Think differently. Create new possibilities.
Creative Kicks
How can you bring creativity into your business to get more out of it and drive its growth?
Building and growing a business is tough. Rewarding, frustrating, exhilarating, exhausting. And that’s just Monday morning. Our minds are so full of our ‘to-do list’, challenges, opportunities, goals, expectations, uncertainty...we just need to download. Sometimes what we really need is another perspective. How can we be sure we are about to make the right decision? That the route we’re taking is the best one? Being able to take on multiple perspectives of any situation is a core leadership skill. Stepping out of the shadows of our habitual thinking, to think differently is at the heart of growing a thriving business. Creativity allows us to do just that. And creativity isn’t a personality trait. It’s a skill. Developing the skills to use your innate creative talent will enable you and your business to thrive. Even when the going gets tough.
In this session we will explore and develop tools and strategies that will enable you to:
· Rekindle your innate curiosity
· Develop your creative capacity to overcome business challenges
· Embrace uncertainty and change as a catalyst for growth
· Challenge your assumptions about yourself and your business
· Create a new and inspirational route to developing your business
Seconds to Impact
In business there are multiple scenarios when we need to make rapid and effective impact. When not only do we need to influence the outcome, but we need to do it ensuring those around us are on board. Sometimes in situations where we know the people, on other occasions it may be a first meeting. To have impact each and every time is built on three core components: knowing yourself, understanding others, building effective relationships.
In this session we will explore and discover strategies the will enable you to:
• Generate a confident mindset
• Flex your levels of presence in any scenario
• Identify and deploy an effective influencing strategy
• Build rapid rapport with anyone you meet
No matter how successful we are in our business or in our lives in general, we will at some time suffer a setback. Sometimes a few arrive at once. From daily niggles, to those dramatic events that can derail us completely. Some people seem to be able to breeze past even the most challenging circumstances, whilst others can to get knocked down by the smallest of ripples. When this happens, as much as we’d love to press the pause button, sadly that really isn’t an option. We have to keep going. But there is one constant during all this turmoil; the only thing we can control is our response to that event. Our ability to manage these setbacks, to bounce back from adversity is largely dependent on our levels and capacity for resilience. And this is something we can grow and strengthen. Developing our ability to bounce back, enables us to cope with life’s ups and downs. And this ability enhances our well-being even during the good times.
In this session we will explore and develop tools and strategies that will enable you to:
· Identify your typical reactions to setbacks and your successful strategies to overcome them
· Develop the ability to reframe any challenge as a positive learning experience
· Build both your internal (psychological) and external resources to provide a protective shield
· Create an action plan to boost your resilience, and overall well-being
Bounce Back
We all love a good story. Why? Because they spark powerful emotions in us. These emotional ‘anchors’ ensure that we remember a story far more clearly and accurately than if we are simply presented with a set of facts. Three times more likely. A great story also triggers the release of Oxytocin, a neurotransmitter that is linked to empathy, trust and building relationships. Stories enable us to share information in a powerfully memorable way, enabling us to not simply make a good point but also build belief. Learning how to craft a compelling story is not only fun, but a fabulous way to enhance your business.
In this session we will explore and develop tools and strategies that will enable you to:
· Develop your storytelling skills to inspire and motivate others
· Learn tactics to bring your story to life in your authentic voice
· Understand how to flex your story to fit any audience or context
· Identify the key moments to deploy your new storytelling skills