

Anthony McGee - BA (HONS),  MSc

Anthony is a business psychologist and cognitive behavioural coach. His passion for enabling people to develop professionally and personally was inspired by his experience as a senior executive in the music industry over 20 years. In this capacity, he has been at the forefront of professional development in a variety of organisations, national and international.

He holds a Masters Degree in Occupational Psychology, and trained as a Coaching Psychologist at the renowned London Centre for Coaching a world leader in Cognitive Behavioural Coaching.

Anthony's vast experience at the front line of change as an executive along with his academic and professional experience as a psychologist have equipped him with the knowledge and understanding to enable people to thrive and grow even in volatile, uncertain environments.

As a senior executive he has a wealth of experience effectively working collaboratively with senior management teams, leaders and external stakeholders. 

Anthony's passions lie at getting to the heart of the many and complex challenges created by the world of work. From wherever the specific need, Anthony can deliver a positive measurable result. His passion is built on the belief that every organisation and everyone within an organisation, at whatever stage has the capacity to grow, to take on new challenges and to successfully adapt to new ways of working.

In his previous career he led marketing departments for a number of organisations across film and music at the sharp end of the digital revolution. Enabling him to hone his leadership skills and develop an in depth understanding of the challenges leaders face in highly turbulent, fast moving environments. By leading, managing and delivering change he has developed essential insights into the psychological impact of change both individually and collectively. As a former psychologist at Mind Gym, a Director at JAM, a specialist Change Consultancy, and his associate work, Anthony has created and delivered a range of development solutions for market leaders in multiple sectors. 

“Organisations are fundamentally a large set of interconnected relationships. Each relationship comes with their own set of implicit understandings and explicit agreements. Yet all are prone to change. And the psychological processes experienced during any form of change do not discriminate between a CEO and a member of the front line staff. What differentiates is their response. So any form of development is built on three core components; knowing yourself, understanding others and building and maintaining effective relationships. My role then is to enable clients to strengthen their capability in each area so that they can adapt and thrive in any situation, no matter how volatile.”